


From A Celebrity Facialist

Rise & Shine

5 Morning Routine Mistakes You Might Be Making

We know not everyone is an early riser. But are there morning skincare mistakes we all have in common?

Eileen Tulura

Eileen — Founder Tulura

2 min read

Mistake #1
Washing with hot water

When most of us wash our hands, we don’t think twice about using hot water because it’s more effective at killing bacteria. This approach has its drawbacks, though, when applied to your facial routine. Hot water and steam trigger our bodies’ sweat glands, which will dehydrate your skin in no time.

Stick to tepid or slightly warm water, followed quickly by a moisturizer.

Mistake #2
Using a dirty washcloth

Starting with a fresh, clean washcloth every day does seem like a big commitment to your laundry load, but it also helps maintain a fresh, clean face. A washcloth will hold on to all the dirt and polluting material it scrubs off and, if left wet, becomes the perfect environment for bacterial growth.

Stock up on washable, sustainable ones if you can, or take matters into your own (clean!) hands.

Mistake #3
Right products, wrong time

Depending on your specific needs, a gentle cleanser and a naturally-antioxidant moisturizing formulation in conjunction with a non-chemical sunscreen may be effective on their own.

If you require the use of prescription retinoids, products containing retinol, or alpha hydroxy acids, be sure to use them in your evening routine as they greatly increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun.

Mistake #4
Not washing your face

It seems reasonable to assume that, having washed thoroughly the night before, you should be good to go in the morning, right? Unfortunately, your skin still produces oil, purges dead cells and loses water overnight. In addition, we all sweat in our sleep—in some cases, a liter or more.

You must also be mindful about rinsing away retinol products from the evening before starting your skincare routine in the am. In short, a quick morning cleanse that’s more than a rinse is a must to get you ready to face the day.

Skincare & self-care

Don’t forget that how you spend the rest of your day can greatly impact tomorrow morning. Stay hydrated, exercise, enjoy a diet rich in antioxidants and set a consistent sleep schedule for yourself.

These will keep you well-rested, energized and ready to stick to your new mistake-free morning skincare routine.

Related read: 5 outside factors that impact your skin.

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Eileen Feighny della Faille — Founder of Tulura

Celebrity Facialist, Licensed Esthetician, and Certified Aromatherapist 


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My clients often tell me they are frustrated with their lotion, but don’t know why.

I tell them it’s because so many contain wax emulsifiers that sit on top of their skin and don’t absorb to give it the nourishment and nurturing it craves.

Tulura was made for people like you. People who believe in the transformative power of advanced botanicals to reveal their natural beauty and inspire self-confidence, naturally.

We make small batch skincare products in our state-of-the-art lab on the East Coast. We only use the best, naturally sourced, and 100% functional ingredients from around the world.

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Eileen Tulura Founder

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Nam Vo
Celebrity Makeup Artist


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Tulura was created with purpose and passion to bring a better skincare experience to everyone. We believe quality ingredients are the key to unlocking healthier skin, more confidence and results you can see and feel.

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